Paladin Security is excited to share our #Extraordinary Guards in this month's Canadian Security Magazine campaign!
We are featuring six stand-out stories from coast to coast throughout 2016; the stories will be showcased in Canadian Security Magazine, as well as online and throughout the Paladin Family social channels. Paladin Security has the best team in the business, driven by the most dedicated and talented individuals; this is our opportunity to highlight a few of the many extraordinary moments that have been happening every day since 1976 - it's the Paladin difference!
Look for the fourth #Extraordinary story featuring the Security Team of College Park, in October’s Edition of Canadian Security Magazine.
Extraordinary Moment
This past spring, on a sunny day in downtown Toronto, Paladin’s College Park Security Team received information of an emergency incident. Someone had been discovered seriously injured in the outdoor courtyard. Supervisor Joel Marin and Security Guard Christine Cook rushed to the courtyard and discovered a woman in acute medical distress. Guards Tristin Mills and Joseph Jin responded with an emergency trauma kit and immediately contacted Emergency Medical Services. Marin worked to keep her conscious as she struggled with extreme blood loss, while Mills assisted in administering first aid and Guard Jin secured the area.
When EMS arrived on scene, they took over and continued to administer medical attention while rushing her to the hospital. Fortunately, the woman has since made a full recovery but without the quick reaction and support of the Paladin team, the incident would likely have ended in tragedy.
When asked about the intense incident, Site Supervisor Joel Marin shared, “I am extremely fortunate to work alongside such well-trained security professionals. Paladin invests in us, and when we are faced with challenging situations, that investment pays off. I am beyond confident in my team. It’s what the Paladin difference stands for.”
The Security Guards’ teamwork, training, and trust in each other enabled them to calmly and professionally manage an emergency medical situation. The company invests hundreds of hours into training each of its Guards to ensure that they can react to any situation. In doing so, Paladin sees extraordinary individuals like the security team at College Park take ownership of their site and provide the best quality service for the client. Paladin is committed to the building long-term partnerships with its clients.
What the Site Manager Said:
Every day the Paladin Security Team interacts with countless individuals requiring varying levels of assistance. This incident was an extreme example and a reminder that the unexpected can happen at a moment’s notice and Paladin must be prepared to act accordingly.
Braedon Cockburn, Site Manager at College Park
In photo above (left to right): Security Guards Tristin Mills & Joseph Jin, Site Supervisor Joel Marin and Site Manager Lead Braeden Cockburn